Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Utah candidate Bret Black featured on Time 4 Hemp

History was made last week when the first Utah political candidate to ever be featured on Time 4 Hemp (hosted by Casper Leitch) was broadcast worldwide.

Bret Black, Libertarian candidate for Utah's Legislative House District 44 (the Murray/Midvale area, just south of the state capital Salt Lake City) spoke with Casper about his campaign, the need for cannabis legalization and other important  campaign goals.

Candidate Black indicated there are 3 other candidates running against him, Tim Cosgrove (Democrat incumbent and Minority Whip) and Christine Passey (Democrat) and Bruce Cutler (Republican) and noted there are 12 Libertarians running for different offices throughout Utah, including Attorney General (Andrew McCullough).

Bret spoke about his desire to "bring different voice to the beautiful state of Utah".

One of his top priorities is ending prohibition and the "War on Drugs".  He noted that Utah did pass a cannabis related bill during its last session, however it is a CBD only bill.  He stated "This is a great start, however it is only applicable to very few people with one certain type of intractable epilepsy".  Other problems with the CBD only bill were also discussed, including the fact the state of Utah will not allow for in state production and the number of patients suffering who current do utilize or could benefit from all the properties of cannabis, not just CBD.

The "Reefer Madness" many politicians hold dear to was discussed as well as an obvious need for education.

The NSA complex in Utah was also a subject of conversation and ideas such as cutting off their water supply and garbage pickup were brought up, as well as how the DEA is currently utilizing data provided by the NSA to prosecute "drug" offenders.

Bret also briefly discussed Utah history including how the original pioneers were driven to Utah in an effort to find freedom from religious oppression and how it has now turned around to suppression and the killing of basic rights and freedoms.  No knock warrants and the Patriot Act were also a subject of conversation.

Candidate Black noted that the Utah Legislature passed 356 new laws during the last session as stated "Not one law made was an effort to protect people's rights".

The entire podcast can be found at this link and every Utah voter who has an interest in whole plant cannabis legalization is HIGHLY encouraged to listen and leave any comments for candidate Black here or on his page at this link.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Time 4 Hemp Features Utah Candidate Bret Black

Time 4 Hemp, a global broadcasting network featuring shows and hosts  focusing on all things cannabis from throughout the world, will feature Utah's very own  Bret Black tomorrow!

Bret Black is a Libertarian
candidate for Utah's Legislative House District 44 and is running on a platform of freedom and equality.

This former Utah Deputy Constable and former speaker for LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) 
will be featured from 11-12 (mountain time) on Time4Hemp, hosted by Casper Leitch.

Candidate Black will focus on subjects including whole plant cannabis legalization, the drug war, prisons for profit, the Danielle Willard murder and many more important Utah issues.

Candidate Black welcomes all questions or comments and commits to every personal appearance possible.  He can be contacted directly via either of these e-mail addresses - BBlackRep44@yahoo.com or BretBlackUtah44@gmail.com or via Facebook (Instant Message or e-mail) at this link.

Donations can be made through this link and are met dollar for dollar by the Libertarian Party.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Liberty Train is starting to roll!

Bret Black, candidate for Utah's House District 44, kicked off his campaign for the Midvale/Murray area by meeting with supporters last Thursday in Midvale.

The "Ride the Liberty Train" campaign is notable not only for the issues Candidate Black stands in favor of, but also for the amount of individuals invited to attend (more than 1.5 thousand) and those who have already expressed as interest in assisting candidate Black.  
Bret is a Former Deputy Constable who recently stated "I support full legalization.  The drug war is a deceitful civil war".  He has also said "I am in full opposition to the police state and prisons for profit" and "The more I learned, the more I realized the 'Drug War' was the true threat to our society".

Bret has a long history of cannabis activism and spoken at the University of Utah as well as with Time 4 Hemp via American Freedom Radio.

Cannabis is by no means the sole focus or platform for his campaign. He also strongly believes and fights for equal rights and wants to put a spotlight on the problems with local Utah law enforcement, such as the lack of processing rape kits and prosecution of suspects.  These kits have a typical turnaround time for 4-5 months and a huge backlog add to the stockpile in evidence rooms throughout the state, from cities such as West Valley and Salt Lake City to the State itself. 

Ladybud Magazine also recently featured Bret and his focus on cannabis reform and how this  former law-enforcement official and LEAP speaker plans to bring about policy changes for residents south of Salt Lake City throughout the Murray and Midvale areas.

Changes in Utah are happening, politically and socially and by endorsing and supporting Libertarian candidates such as Bret Black, Utah voters will ensure a more equal and secure future.

Candidate Black welcomes all questions or comments and commits to every personal appearance possible.  He can be contacted directly via either of these e-mail addresses - BBlackRep44@yahoo.com or BretBlackUtah44@gmail.com or via Facebook (Instant Message or e-mail) at this link.

Donations can be made through this link and are met dollar for dollar by the Libertarian Party.